Wool Production is a Year-Round Process…. Prepare to Optimize Its Return
Fleece/Fiber Preparation
Skirt the fleece, removing any manure tags, vegetable contamination, paint, polypropylene twine, jute, burlap, plastic thread from feed bags, baler twine, etc.
Minimize wool contamination. Contamination lowers the yield or useful quality of the wool clip. We cannot accept wool which includes burdock or cockleburs, paint, dirt, chaff or shavings.
We DO NOT accept belly wool, tags, wet, moldy, or mildew wool. Wool which is infested with insects or insect eggs or that smells of mothballs is not acceptable. (Insect sacks are about the size of dried rice grains, appear singly or in clusters).
Pack your wool so that is can “breathe”. Do NOT smother your wool in tightly closed plastic bags because it will start to rot or compost. DO NOT tie fleeces. Wool in any packaging material should not be stored in direct sunlight or on the ground.
Ideal packaging is the plastic wool bags with air holes.
Processing Instructions and Wool (Fiber) can be sent
All order, please place in one name. If we receive wool in your name and the order in the farm name or business name, it can be confusing and delay your order. All transactions shall be handled by one person. Shipments back are to one address. Customers may pool orders.
Do not plan to leave our wool (fiber) with us for more than two months without giving us your processing instructions.
We fill orders in sequence by date. We do not start processing an order until both your order and instructions and wool has been received by us, and it is clearly understood.
No minimum orders-except for custom spinning and weaving, prices are on a per order basis.
We may impose a service charge for cancelled orders or if special work has been done for you.
If you are not satisfied, we must hear from you within 30 days. We DO NOT accept returns without prior authorization.
A $10 or 10% minimum may be imposed on returns.
If you bring wool to Harmony in person, please plan to arrive by 2 pm to have it weighted in on the same day.
We are open Monday-Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, except holidays. Phone ahead if you are delayed or are in doubt about our business hours.
Harmony is located on Route 150 between Skowhegan and Guilford, ME. Our historic mill is located just south of the Village on the west side of Higgins Stream, at 20 Water Street.
We will notify you when your order is ready for shipment by sending our invoice. Upon receipt of payment in full, we will ship your order either by USPS or UPS. Under no circumstances will an order be sent without payment. We accept credit cards/checks. Incidental charges are billed separately and due upon receipt. Each order is independent of the other.
Bartlettyarns is often asked what types of wool they accept for processing and purchase. Below is a reference point of the major breeds we accept, however, please note that we DO Accept and DO Process other breeds and please contact us to discuss
Wool Breeds
Meat Breeds
Dual or General Purpose Breeds
Long Wools
We do Not accept (purchase/traditional processing) wool from the following breeds: California Red, Icelandic*, Karakul, Katahdin, Navajo Churo*, Romanov, St. Croix
*Please call to ask about processing services for these breeds.